Freitag, 4. Februar 2011

The redhead has seeeeeen the future!!!!!!!

Not really, but wouldn't that be great? Sometimes I think so, sometimes I think "Damn, if I only knew already what I was going to do with the rest of my life". And isn't that what a lot of kids are thinking these days anyway? From a very young age we are asked what we want to be when we grow up and we are supposed to turn first grade answers like "monkey-ninja-robot" and "spongebob squarepants" into conherent money-making answers that also happen to spontaniously corrospond to our hopes, dreams, and aspirations. But honey, it doesn't always work like that. Nobody wants to think they will be that person working a cubicle job that is useless and monotonous (unless your into that kind of thing) and nobody wants to be that person to tell their kid they might not get their dreams, I mean how dick would that be? What kind of bliss would childhood be if we didn't have the hopes of touching nastily wild dreams that are as strange as the galaxy outside of the Milky Way?
But having a talk with my sister put it in retrospect with the thought "Well, I mean, isn't it kind of half the fun?" Fishing for dreams, pulling lots, tasting luck, unluck, hard work, and rewards? I mean we all just want a life that is worth telling someone about whether it be learning things tragically through experience or hitting oil in your backyard. We all want to be a Steve Jobs or a Barrack Obama or Johnny Depp, and if not we want to be like that old man in the nursing home with a thousand stories about how it happened, about real things.
I had never thought about going to an Ivy League College. I know that's kind of what everyone wants isn't it? Getting into an Ivy League College.I'd never thought about it for a second until my sister told my mom hoped I would be maybe an Ivy-leaguer. My sister told me I could be so many things that I had never thought of. I guess it's good to have adults around sometimes, without them we would forget so many important things... and yes, Löki, I know, I have to clean my room. I'll do it sometime soon, chill your butt.
            Ivy League could be in my future, but just as easily it could be anything else, and though we all may want a peek at the future, sometimes if you mess with it too much the future can always end up blowing up in your face. We can't yell at the future to get going or force it to come more quickly, nor can we sit back and allow us to sneak up on it. We must simply be patient, but not lazy. Attentive, but not pushy. The future is growing like us, shaping something brand new like a ginormous ball of playdough that every person ever living has stuck there hand into and smushed around a bit, and that is the future. It is vague and mushy and a little like the past, maybe it smells, but hey, the world isn't perfect. The most important thing is it is ours. It is the infinity of space, and ideas, and time and hard-worked, raw knuckles.

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