....or Toddlers...or just kids...
Kids are very easy to connect with, especially here. Sometimes I can't express myself properly in a conversation with an adult. I just... don't always have the vocabulary to vocalize my opions of my ideas, and I always try, but that never guarantees a connection. Kids are miles apart from adults. They are not especially interested in poltics or morals or huge important conversations. In fact, I at least as a child moaned at the thought of the news or a conversation where I had nothing to say. It was boring. It was like being forced to listen to the conversational equivalent of spinach... blechhh.
To connect with a child, you have to smile at them, show them that you see them, maybe play a quiet peeking game, where you hide your face as if you are shy and look up every so often to see if they are looking at you and if they are to hide quickly. Children just want to play, they see everything as a giant sugar-coated possibility, they see the potential of things that adults would never think to contemplate. Like how a blanket is a cape that makes you suddenly a super hero, because really all you have to do to be a superhero is to believe that you are.
Everytime I have met a child here I have always gotten on with them incredibly. All they want is attention, all I want a simple human connection. So I play, playing is simple. Playing does not really need words, it does not have defining rights and wrongs. When you are playing you cannot look stupid.
And maybe that is why I love the sandbox, maybe that is why I build castles out of legos, and be a superhero. Because no matter what I do, no one will tell me "no", no one will laugh at me for doing something unusual, no one will realize that I "don't belong". We will play, and we will sing and stomp and smile and build and destroy and talk about colors we like and adventures we hope to go on.
Quote of the Day: "
I felt the same way when I was living in Ecuador. It's so much easier to speak/connect/have fun with some of the kids, even though at home I always got along better with adults!